
Our consultants have given training modules on numerous research, innovation and funding topics including:


Post-doctoral Funding Opportunities for CNRS Researchers

We provided training to young researchers at CNRS-Dijon about post-doctoral funding opportunities under the European Commission’s Marie Curie initiative. The training covered in detail the different Marie Curie fellowship schemes – Intra-European, International Outgoing and International Incoming – from the perspectives of scheme objectives, application process and funding contributions. Afterwards, the one-day training was followed up with individual mentoring for participants preparing their applications.


Support to RTD and Innovation Initiatives and Strategies in Jordan (SRTD)

Intelligentsia provided training to Jordanian researchers about the FP7 NMP programme (nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies). The training introduced the latest FP7 NMP call, explained the proposal preparation and evaluation processes and described steps for joining a strong consortium preparing a proposal.


TACIS Bistro - Russia

We provided training in technology audit to experts at science and technology institutions in Siberia as well as gave training in business plan writing. Altogether, we conducted technology audits of thirty innovative products and services and supported the preparation of three business plans - haemodialysis solutions for oncology patients, production of field emission displays, and stem cell therapies.




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