Grant Proposal Writing


Intelligentsia Consultants have extensive experience of preparing successful grant applications and project proposals for public funding.

The services we offer include:

→ Developing a new project idea and adapting it to a suitable funding scheme
→ Building the optimal consortium of partners and contractual framework
→ Structuring the project
→ Developing appropriate management structures
→ Refining the scientific and technical content
→ Defining work and time plans
→ Writing the non-technical parts of an application (e.g. business case)
→ Describing the potential impact and exploitation of the results
→ Calculating the project budget
→ Completing the administrative forms
→ Submitting the application (e.g. via an electronic submission system)

We prepare applications for national and EU funding schemes. Our clients include universities, public research organisations, SMEs and multinational companies.

Feel welcome to contact us for a free first discussion to assess the potential of your project idea and the opportunity to work together.

See Case Studies Here

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